14 research outputs found

    MAC Constructions: Security Bounds and Distinguishing Attacks

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    We provide a simple and improved security analysis of PMAC, a Parallelizable MAC (Message Authentication Code) defined over arbitrary messages. A similar kind of result was shown by Bellare, Pietrzak and Rogaway at Crypto 2005, where they have provided an improved bound for CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) MAC, which was introduced by Bellare, Killan and Rogaway at Crypto 1994. Our analysis idea is much more simpler to understand and is borrowed from the work by Nandi for proving Indistinguishability at Indocrypt 2005 and work by Bernstein. It shows that the advantage for any distinguishing attack for n-bit PMAC based on a random function is bounded by O(σq / 2^n), where σ is the total number of blocks in all q queries made by the attacker. In the original paper by Black and Rogaway at Eurocrypt 2002 where PMAC was introduced, the bound is O(σ^2 / 2^n). We also compute the collision probability of CBC MAC for suitably chosen messages. We show that the probability is Ω( lq^2 / N) where l is the number of message blocks, N is the size of the domain and q is the total number of queries. For random oracles the probability is O(q^2 / N). This improved collision probability will help us to have an efficient distinguishing attack and MAC-forgery attack. We also show that the collision probability for PMAC is Ω(q^2 / N) (strictly greater than the birthday bound). We have used a purely combinatorial approach to obtain this bound. Similar analysis can be made for other CBC MAC extensions like XCBC, TMAC and OMAC

    Relational Hash

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    Traditional cryptographic hash functions allow one to easily check whether the original plaintexts are equal or not, given a pair of hash values. Probabilistic hash functions extend this concept where given a probabilistic hash of a value and the value itself, one can efficiently check whether the hash corresponds to the given value. However, given distinct probabilistic hashes of the same value it is not possible to check whether they correspond to the same value. In this work we introduce a new cryptographic primitive called \emph{Relational Hash} using which, given a pair of (relational) hash values, one can determine whether the original plaintexts were related or not. We formalize various natural security notions for the Relational Hash primitive - one-wayness, twin one-wayness, unforgeability and oracle simulatibility. We develop a Relational Hash scheme for discovering linear relations among bit-vectors (elements of \FF_2^n) and \FF_p-vectors. Using the linear Relational Hash schemes we develop Relational Hashes for detecting proximity in terms of hamming distance. The proximity Relational Hashing schemes can be adapted to a privacy preserving biometric identification scheme, as well as a privacy preserving biometric authentication scheme secure against passive adversaries

    On The Exact Security of Message Authentication Using Pseudorandom Functions

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    Traditionally, modes of Message Authentication Codes(MAC) such as Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) are instantiated using block ciphers or keyed Pseudo Random Permutations(PRP). However, one can also use domain preserving keyed Pseudo Random Functions(PRF) to instantiate MAC modes. The very first security proof of CBC-MAC [BKR00], essentially modeled the PRP as a PRF. Until now very little work has been done to investigate the difference between PRP vs PRF instantiations. Only known result is the rather loose folklore PRP-PRF transition of any PRP based security proof, which looses a factor of Ο( σ2/2n ) (domain of PRF/PRP is {0, 1}n and adversary makes σ many PRP/PRF calls in total). This loss is significant, considering the fact tight Θ( q2/2n ) security bounds have been known for PRP based EMAC and ECBC constructions (where q is the total number of adversary queries). In this work, we show for many variations of encrypted CBC MACs (i.e. EMAC, ECBC, FCBC, XCBC and TCBC), random function based instantiation has a security bound Ο( qσ/2n ). This is a significant improvement over the folklore PRP/PRF transition. We also show this bound is optimal by providing an attack against the underlying PRF based CBC construction. This shows for EMAC, ECBC and FCBC, PRP instantiations are substantially more secure than PRF instantiations. Where as, for XCBC and TMAC, PRP instantiations are at least as secure as PRF instantiations

    On the Public Indifferentiability and Correlation Intractability of the 6-Round Feistel Construction

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    We show that the Feistel construction with six rounds and random round functions is publicly indifferentiable from a random invertible permutation (a result that is not known to hold for full indifferentiability). Public indifferentiability (pub-indifferentiability for short) is a variant of indifferentiability introduced by Yoneyama et al. \cite{YoneyamaMO09} and Dodis et al. \cite{DodisRS09} where the simulator knows all queries made by the distinguisher to the primitive it tries to simulate, and is useful to argue the security of cryptosystems where all the queries to the ideal primitive are public (as e.g. in many digital signature schemes). To prove the result, we introduce a new and simpler variant of indifferentiability, that we call sequential indifferentiability (seq-indifferentiability for short) and show that this notion is in fact equivalent to pub-indifferentiability for stateless ideal primitives. We then prove that the 6-round Feistel construction is seq-indifferentiable from a random invertible permutation. We also observe that sequential indifferentiability implies correlation intractability, so that the Feistel construction with six rounds and random round functions yields a correlation intractable invertible permutation, a notion we define analogously to correlation intractable functions introduced by Canetti et al. \cite{CanettiGH98}

    Privacy for Targeted Advertising

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    In the past two decades, targeted online advertising has led to massive data collection, aggregation, and exchange. This infrastructure raises significant privacy concerns. While several prominent theories of data privacy have been proposed over the same period of time, these notions have limited application to advertising ecosystems. Differential privacy, the most robust of them, is inherently inapplicable to queries about particular individuals in the dataset. We therefore formulate a new definition of privacy for accessing private information about unknown individuals identified by some random token. Unlike most current privacy definitions, our\u27s takes probabilistic prior information into account and is intended to reflect the use of aggregated web information for targeted advertising. We explain how our theory captures the natural expectation of privacy in the advertising setting and avoids the limitations of existing alternatives. However, although we can construct artificial databases which satisfy our notion of privacy together with reasonable utility, we do not have evidence that real world databases can be sanitized to preserve reasonable utility. In fact we offer real world evidence that adherence to our notion of privacy almost completely destroys utility. Our results suggest that a significant theoretical advance or a change in infrastructure is needed in order to obtain rigorous privacy guarantees in the digital advertising ecosystem

    Provable Security and Indifferentiability

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    In this thesis we consider different problems related to provable security and indifferentiability framework. Ideal primitives such as random oracles, ideal ciphers are theoretical abstractions of cryptographic hash functions and block ciphers respectively. These idealized models help us to argue security guarantee for various cryptographic schemes, for which standard model security proofs are not known. In the first part of this thesis we consider the problems related to ideal primitive construction starting from a different ideal primitive. We adopt the indifferentiability framework proposed by Maurer et. al. in TCC’04 for this purpose. The indifferentiability framework helps us to preserve the security guarantee of cryptographic schemes when the ideal primitives are replaced by indifferentiable constructions, even when the ideal primitives are used in a public manner. At first, we consider the problem of ideal cipher domain extension. We show the 3-round Feistel construction, built using n-bit ideal ciphers are actually indifferentiable from a 2n-bit ideal cipher. We also consider other related issues such as, why 2-round Feistel is not sufficient, security analysis in standard indistinguishability model for both 2 and 3 round constructions, etc. Afterwards, we consider the open problem: whether 6-round Feistel construction using random round functions is indifferentiable from a random invertible permutation or not. We give a partial positive answer to this question. We show the construction is actually publicly-indifferentiable (which is a restricted version of full indifferentiability) from an in- vertible random permutation. In the later part of the thesis, we concentrate on some issues related to the security of Probabilistic Signature Scheme (PSS). PSS with RSA trapdoor is a widely deployed randomized signature scheme. It is known to be secure in Random Oracle model. However, recently randomized signature scheme such as iso/iec 9796-2 is shown to be susceptible to hardware fault attacks. In this work we show, PSS is actually secure against random fault attacks in random oracle model. Afterwards, we consider the openproblem related to standard model security of PSS. We give a general negative result in this direction. We rule out existence of any black box proof technique showing security of PSS in standard model